Or is it... Alinde.. Which is the native language for saying goodbye in Mbale.
Our time here has been well spent. We developed really close relations with the staff here at the Mbale House of Food for the Hungry and we are quite sad to be moving on our way to Kampala and then eventually Rwanda for a field visit there.
The send off was just as amazing as the welcoming we received in the village complete with the village putting us in Ugandan ceremonial dress, to the youth choir putting on a performance and the village mothers putting on a skit.
We also developed a relationship with two Go-ed students studying abroad and we wish them all of God's blessings as they will remain here in Africa until mid December.
Whie we are excited to be moving on to the next leg of the trip, we are sad, but encouraged that we are welcome to be coming back. Paul, Paul, Patrick, Livinstone, Moses, Rebecca, Justine, Stephen and Molex have all been wonderful, consistently preparing meal after meal {13 in total} for us. This isn't an easy process as each chicken must be butchered, defeathered, cleaned, cooked and then served to us as with other sides such as rice, noodles, avocado, pineapple, beans and chipata.
If and when the Lord permits, we will come again.
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