The team is safe here in Uganda, right in the middle of Mbale, the district which includes Marare.
While the time is now 12:20PM MST - it is actually 2121hrs here in Uganda. While I cannot speak for the other teammembers and how they have arrived here, I can say that we are all accounted for, that no one is sick or badly injured. None of our things went missing intransit. We were able to get all of the toothbrushes and toothpaste into the country and we are about to hit the sack.
The way people drive here is incredible. I guess what it really comes down to is awareness and back home in Alberta, I can safely say that people are just not aware. Not after seeing what I've seen.
Anyways, I myself am keeping a daily hand-written journal because my laptop battery just isn't capable of continuous use and the battery life is maybe 30mins.
So I will bid you all adieu, as I go to sleep for my first full night and tomorrow day in Uganda {Even though we landed this morning at 0730hrs.}
I'm excited you guys made it safely. We prayed for you in church and look forward to hearing the stories of God's kingdom over the next days