Northgate Baptist and Food For the Hungry

Northgate Baptist partners with Food For the Hungry and a small village called Marare, in Uganda, to help them become a self sustainable community. From building classrooms, supporting entrepreneurship and leadership skills, to sponsoring children from the community, we hope to help transform Marare to the point where they can help themselves as well as neighbouring communities.

In partnership with FH Canada

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Running in the RAIN

We had our 2nd annual CGS Run/Walk to Africa yesterday. It POURED. Because of that we didn't have to deal with mosquitoes (it was too cold for them), and we had our own cooling down mechanism: the rain.

16 participants made it out for the morning, and braved the elements, all to help overcome poverty in Marare, Uganda. It was a SUCCESS.

Because of the efforts of these 16 participants, and the many of you that sponsored a participant, we raised over $3900!

These funds brought us over and above our goal of $30,000! Glory and honor to God!