A recurring theme in all our fundraising events this year, was "RAIN". Yes, we had to work our way around that for each event! It made things challenging, but also gave cause for reflection. God showed us with each event that He was in control, and he literally 'poured' blessing after blessing on each team member, and Northgate as a whole. We've not only reached our financial goal, but we've surpassed it (with 3 weeks to go). We've also received so many encouraging comments from many of you, AND from MANY in our community at large!
Malachi 3:10 comes to mind: 'Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."' We trusted, and He really did answer just like He said.
We wound up our fundraising events for the 2011 Marare team with a 'perennial plant sale' this afternoon (graciously sponsored by Wallish Greenhouses), and yes, it rained AGAIN! However, we had so much fun interacting with fellow Northgaters, friends, family, AND many community members that the rain didn't impact us negatively. We were also blessed with another $980 to use towards Marare!
Praise the Lord...especially when it rains!
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