Day 6 & 7
My name is Ajoo and I
am part of the 2019 team. These are my
impressions of the day:
This trip has been
amazing for me so far, I got to see so many children and communicate with them.
The other day we went to the ladies’ group and learned what they do in the
village… these women teach other women many things like basic hygiene, breast
feeding, and female hygiene. This was very interesting to me because I learned
that all the women help each other and to me this is called teamwork. Today was also so much fun because we visited a dairy farmer and saw firsthand how they milk cows; we also saw a baby cow which in my opinion was very scary.
I bought a very nice
purse from Suzan’s shop and two bracelets. The purse was blue and white and for
my aunt back in Canada. Although it was very awkward for me, we talked to girls
from age 10 and above about their bodies and how to say “no” to a man. We also
discussed how to respect themselves and that they are beautiful and made in
God’s image. 
But overall, I met the
sweetest girl in the whole world! Her name is Beyta, but she goes by B. She is
funny, has the biggest smile, and a laugh that can bring a smile to anyone’s
face. I really enjoyed the trip and I don’t want to leave! By coming here, I
really heard God talk to me.
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My name is Rita I’m
one of the members of the 2019 Marare team, it’s my pleasure and I’m honored to
be in Marare… this is what I’m blessed to say about my trip over the last 2 days.
I’m glad to be one of 5
people (Allan, Rita, Diniz, Naomi and Brian) who went and met with a group of
women from the Village Savings and Loan Association. Brian and Diniz expressed
their joy at seeing these women and how they have progressed. Looking back at
the last time they came to Marare in 2010 and throughout the years that they visited.
They also expressed that back then the women and children looked unhealthy and
really suffering from poverty. Moussa, one of the VSLA members, also shared
that this program has helped to reduce family violence!
4 to 6 years later, Diniz and Brian said looking at
these women is a pleasure and a joy to see them healthy. They have become self-reliant,
enjoying the fruits of their labor and this is a big gift that one can ask for
from God. In addition to that, the women
said they were able to send their children to school and pay for their fees
without any difficulties. When I asked them, “Where do they want to see yourselves
in the next 8 years?’’ they said their
dreams are to have a big house and even to have their own car and this is possible!
On the other hand, meeting Suzan at her shop was a
blessing, knowing how she started her business and now she owns a shop and has
become a very successful entrepreneur!
Her story affirmed to me that Northgate and FH staff
were disciples that God sent to Marare to show them that with God that ALL
THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, and that he has not forgotten the people of Marare. The team supported her by buying some items
(clothing, jewelry, toys, etc) made by Suzan and her team with more items to be
made before we leave.
The FH staff divided the Northgate team into two groups
women and men to discuss sex education with the children in grade 4 to 7. This
is a very challenging and sensitive subject that the parents find difficult to
discuss with their children. The discussion went very well, and the children
were eager to know more by asking question that they have being wondering
whether is true or not. Our team helped them to understand what is right and
wrong and how to take care of themselves without being trapped in a situation
that might force them to do dangerous things.
It was hard to hear some girls being afraid of being pushed
by parents to get marriage at this young age, so their question is “What can we
do to convince our parents that I don’t want to get married to a man, I’m still
young? If they refuse, they will be kicked out of the house.
How can we help the community to understand that this
is wrong by pushing a child to get married because of the poverty?
This trip has given me
a chance to be part of these children’s life story, and they will for ever be
in my heart knowing that we planted a seed in their hearts and minds.
Love Rita
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