Northgate Baptist and Food For the Hungry

Northgate Baptist partners with Food For the Hungry and a small village called Marare, in Uganda, to help them become a self sustainable community. From building classrooms, supporting entrepreneurship and leadership skills, to sponsoring children from the community, we hope to help transform Marare to the point where they can help themselves as well as neighbouring communities.

In partnership with FH Canada

Monday, August 12, 2013

Sadly,...the Final Day in Marare

Our final day in the village:
As soon as we arrived at the village, Matt, Ashley and Sara went straight to work on showing videos to the last 3 children and then taping their replies. The ladies of the village had their crafts laid out for us to see and purchase. They had crocheted items, woven purses/bags, beaded decorated bowls & doilies, a woven mat (which we didn't purchase because of the size), a handmade ball and an ingenious 'lamp' that looks like a toy airplane. We purchased a few things personally and the rest we purchased to bring home and sell at the sharing evening. After we had completed all the transactions, someone arrived with jewellery... so we had to purchase more. It is so exciting to see that they are making crafts, as well as sewing clothes.
Soon, it was time for them to dress us. Different women had donated outfits for us to wear... It was hard for them to find a gomez to fit Erin's stature, but the one they settled on suited her coloring so well. We all felt very special, even though we were very warm! Matt and Brian were dressed in the long white shirt dresses with a suit jacket over top... also warm! But the approval of the villagers when they saw us was worth it!
Then the ceremonies began... The children's choir sang a number of songs... the first one was very sad and several of the children started to cry. It is so touching to see these emotions from children we had met such a short time before. Then the women sang several songs for us... their voices are beautiful. Many speeches followed, full of appreciation... and many admonitions to greet the people of Northgate and send them love and appreciation from the people of Marare. Brian was called on once again to give a response speech on our behalf. The speech-giving is really not in his comfort zone, but he has risen to the occasions and done a great job. Speeches in Africa must be long... if they are too short, it's not a good thing.
A contingent of students and mothers from the neighbouring village of Nashisa had walked over to take part in the day (that's a LONG walk). These children sang 2 numbers for us.
The final speech was from the "guest of honour"... the head of the parish in that area (includes about 12 churches I believe). And all of these speeches had to be translated, phrase by phrase.
The ceremonies ended with gift presentations to us. The 5 women on the team received a simplified gomez, complete with the large, heavy sash. Matthew and Brian received the traditional long, white shirt/dresses. We felt so honoured.
Following the formal time, they served us lunch in one of the classrooms. We line up to wash our hands as someone pours water from a jerry can (it's so gratifying to see how they do take care to wash hands).
Sam and Justine prepared all the food and brought it out to the village. It's a lot of work for them. Their is no such thing as disposable plates/cutlery, so they had to bring all that and take it back to the office to wash.
Following lunch, we changed from our borrowed clothes to our gifted clothes, which were cooler because there wasn't the multiple layers of cloth, and participated in a net ball tournament. First there was a game between the girls of Marare against the girls of Nashisa. It has started to rain by this time, but they played anyways. Eventually the rain stopped and the spectators gathered round. Nashisa won that game. They moved the court because it was too muddy/slippery and the women's game began, again between Marare and Nashisa. It was very competitive and Marare won this game.
It has been an amazing adventure! God has watched over us and it has been so exciting to see Him in the people of Marare and the FH staff!
Thank you to all of you (Northgate church family and the family and friends of the 2013 team) for your love, support and prayers!

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